August 22, 2014

Another Black Dress


yes, another black dress....

I know that I am a bit behind on posts this week but as I have mentioned a few times before, I am moving very soon and it is definitely time consuming and challenging to pack up all of my belongings. So far I must have over six boxes of shoes packed and I still have a few more to go. I don't mind packing as much as I thought I would because I know that I'll be in a brand new room when I unpack them, so it is kind of exciting in a sick and twisted way. My parent's visited the house a week or two ago and discovered some space to expand the closet in my room so it'll be a super walk-in, on top of that they found extra space to build me a second one. I almost shed a tear of joy or several hundred when they told me! I am still a bit speechless over the whole situation because this was definitely something I had been dreaming of for a very, very long time. Of course, a closet tour will be #1 on my "to-do" list once they are up and running. With that being said I have also been sitting on Pinterest looking up organizational ideas for my new square-footage and I'm sure you  know how Pinterest sucks you in to their vortex of home decor, hair inspiration and all things interesting... so that is also a contributing factor to my belated outfit post.

Enough of my ramblings and back to the reason you're all here, clothes. My younger sister, who is not that young any more but will always be an 8 year old in my eyes, just celebrated her 20th birthday so we all went out for her usual dinner of choice, hibachi. It was a bit chilly that night so as I was looking through my dress rack for something warmer and I came across this one that I picked up from Tobi many, many moons ago or spring 2013. I figured the sleeves would keep me warm enough but not too warm and it was black, so I thought it would be fitting for a dinner. Most of my shoes are packed up so I went with my current go-to bootie of choice which I am sure you may be getting sick of looking at. But, they are extremely comfortable and I absolutely adore them so, I'm sure there will be many more outfits posts including them in the future!

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dress: originally tobi, in black forever21
booties: gypsywarrior
necklace: shopdixi
ring: gypsywarrior, shopdixi, gift from Paul

I am also wearing the Luxy hair extensions that I reviewed in THIS post and I am still as much in love with them as when I first got them. After having my keratin bonds taken out, we decided on cutting off the ends of my hair that were razored to blend in with my extensions. I was a bit nervous that they weren't going to blend so well with my new hair cut but even when I wear my hair straight, there is no noticeable evidence of my actual hair. I still give them an A+

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend and don't forget to check into those summer ending & labor day sales, I've already snagged a few goodies that I will be sure to post!


1 comment:

  1. These pics are so beautiful. Love the black & white.


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